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The Number of Women Who Choose to Play Online Poker – Basically many women don’t want to play online gambling games for profit, they generally just want to have fun. Online poker is another story. Studies show that more than a third of online poker players are women. Women are the fastest growing segment of the online poker playing public. In general, women prefer to play online poker. Playing poker online provides them with a convenient and less intimidating way to
learn and become more proficient in the game. Also, women tend to prefer the lower stakes available online.

The Number of Women Who Choose to Play Online Poker

While men may bet for “action” or to compete, women tend to play poker as a way to escape. In general men play to win and women, while competitive, play for more social reasons. Other reasons women cited for preferring online poker included being able to play poker online from a safe home environment, not having to dress up to play in a casino, being able to play poker in an environment where gender was not an issue.

Playing poker online from your own home is not only safer, but also more convenient. Female online players can play poker at times that suit her busy schedule. The idea of ​​dressing up, driving miles to go to the casino, tipping the dealer, waiting for a table, and driving back home after maybe a few drinks is something some women find attractive. Compare this to relaxing by playing a few hands of online poker at the end of the day and it’s easy to see why more women are choosing to play their poker online.

The last reason many women prefer to play online has to do with the rude attitude of some of the male players. Whether it’s an arrogant fanatic, a considerate suitor, or a patronizing patriarch; women just don’t want to be bothered with all that.

Online poker provides the perfect solution. Female player
can play in an online environment if gender is not an issue. If there is any offensive chat, he can simply turn off the violator’s chat function with a click of his mouse. He can choose a screen name that doesn’t reveal his gender if he wants to.

So ladies, if you are looking for a safe and comfortable place to brush up on your poker skills, online poker offers a huge advantage over its brick and mortar counterparts. Many women women have discovered the world of online poker. Let me see. I think you will be impressed. Poker isn’t just for boys anymore.